I still remember the butterflies, the nervous knot in my stomach. I remember watching the hours count down as we curled my hair and fastened my shoes. I remember the love and the tears and the laughter. I remember the overwhelming feeling as the doors opened and the cameras flashed. I remember the . . .
Watercolour Pixel Painting
I have always been envious of painters. I’ve always been an artsy type of person my entire life, always adventurous in trying new mediums and new techniques, however I could never really figure out painting. I always wanted to paint a realistic portrait of someone, but after attempting for many . . .
Nineteen Months with Olive
Nineteen months. One year and seven months. It’s starting to get to the point where saying the months really isn’t meaningful in terms of development – You are one and a half. You are a toddler. You are becoming more and more independent and self-sufficient every day. It amazes me. Rotating on the . . .
Curried Cauliflower and Chicken Soup
As soon as I smell fall in the air, the first thing I get excited about doing is making a big batch of soup. Most often I don’t follow a recipe… I just open the fridge and start throwing everything in the pot. That’s what I like about soup. It usually doesn’t matter what ingredients you use because . . .
Smitten with Calligraphy
Yes, I am smitten with Calligraphy. There is something magical about dipping your pen into an inkwell and gracefully moving your hand across a page. The most beautiful words can elegantly be portrayed on a piece of paper. I am a big believer that we are all individuals, and that we are . . .
Autumn Apples
By now, I'm sure most of you have realized that fall is my favourite season of all. I yearn for that day when I walk outside and smell autumn in the air. I feel so free in the anticipation of the forthcoming changes. I yearn for cold sweater-weather mornings that slowly turn to tank top . . .