Another month of too much to say to put into one letter. Too many things I swore I wouldn’t forget, so many funny things you said or did, so many plans I’ve made for you and us and so much good news about how smart and cool you’re becoming. Every work-day morning, you wake up around 7 with . . .
Two Years With Olive
Happy Second Birthday, my sweet little Garlic Girl!! Two years ago on a warm Saturday morning we welcomed you into our hearts. We were new parents, full of excitement, full of love, but also full of nerves. To be honest, we had no idea what we were doing. As I looked into your beautiful dark blue . . .
Twenty Three Months With Olive
This month has been full of things that made me stop and think “I’ve got to remember this moment!” It’s not so much about “firsts” anymore, but the short reels of memories played back in my mind from each day that you see something new, the fun experiences we have together, and how I can see you . . .
The Grief That We Can’t Talk About
There is a statistic that many women hear, but never really imagine being part of their lives. It is a statistic that only those who experience it know the true pain. 1 in 4 women. 25% of women. I had heard about this statistic, but never imagined it happening to me. I grew up in . . .
Winter Water Factory + Giveaway
I must admit, I have not yet jumped on the highly commercialize clothing train for Olive. Rather than dressing her in Mini-Mouse everything, I prefer to dress her in incredibly soft and comfortable clothing made by creative entrepreneurs around the world. There's something magical about beautiful . . .
Twenty Two Months with Olive
We made some amazing memories this month, my little garlic girl! Holy, did we ever. With each passing day you become more and more fun. Your expressions... Your actions... Your words... I wish I could video you 24 hours straight because I want to remember every single funny thing you do. It is . . .