These are not your Momma's lady fingers! No, not the delicate sponge cookies used to make fancy desserts like charlottes and tiramisu. These beauties look like full-fledge severed and bloody witch fingers. Gross, right? If you’ve never seen cookies like this before and are . . .
How to Make Halloween Toy Bats + Free Template Download
Its Halloween week, and I've never been more excited! Lately I have noticed that my sewing machine is getting a work out. There are weeks where I sew constantly, and then there are weeks where my machines get the rest they deserve. There is something so satisfying about taking an average piece . . .
A Day at the Pumpkin Patch
A few weeks ago, we packed up the car and headed out to spend a morning at the pumpkin patch! We couldn't have picked a better day to venture outside to spend hours picking out the perfect pumpkins. Olive ran from pumpkin to pumpkin, pointing and laughing. The odd time she had to sit down and take a . . .
Five Things You Shouldn’t Say to Women Planning Home Birth
Childbirth, like raising children, is one of those subjects on which nobody can resist sharing their opinions or imparting their wisdom upon you – regardless as to whether they have actually had children or not. If you read my post earlier in the week, you probably realized that I received a . . .
Home Birth Kit: The Must-Haves
If you are planning a home birth, your midwife will likely give you list of things to collect over the course of your pregnancy to prepare for the arrival of your baby. Midwives will bring all the essential medical equipment, but there are a few things that you can get that will also help in . . .
Why We Chose a Home Birth (And Why Our Choice Shouldn’t Matter To You)
All births are special. Bringing a tiny miracle into this world is something I cannot even begin to describe. The emotions, the love, the worries, the overwhelming pain that we can so easily forget... The birth of my children are the two events in my life that I am most proud of, and am not . . .