My blog has been on a short hiatus for a very big (well, actually little!) and beautiful reason. One month ago today Scott and I welcomed our little girl, Olive Poole Blair, to the world! I am so in love with our little family, and want to cherish every moment together. Memories are so important to me and being able to capture these moments will allow Olive to know her life story right from the very begining. Every month I am planning to write Olive a monthly letter so she can see how she grew and changed to become the woman that she one day will be!
Dear Olive,
Today you are one month old! I cannot believe how fast time has gone by. You have been a perfect little angel since the day you have arrived, and many have said that you are spoiling us because you are so calm and easy-going. Mommy and daddy jumped into parenthood head first when the doctor decided to induce me 10 days early. We knew that you would be arriving soon, but when Dr. Kerner actually said “today is the day” we felt completely unprepared and shocked that 38 weeks had gone by so quickly! It felt like yesterday when I told Daddy that he was going to have a “new carpenters apprentice in 9 months”! I went home to gather up a few things for the hospital, and Daddy and I went back to Smiths Falls to settle in for a sleepless night of nerves and excitment (well, sleepless for mommy… Daddy snored all night long)! I had some backpain throughout the night, but no signs of contractions.
At 8:00am Dr. Kerner returned to the hospital to break my water. At that point, I was only 2cm dilated and was told to expect you around dinner time. By 9:00am I remember thinking that it was going to be a VERY long, painful day (and so did Daddy because he called Granny and Grandpa for backup!), but by 10:00am the nurse decided that, judging by the noise I was making, she had better check how far along I was. To her surprise, you were well on your way to meet us and luckily I didn’t need any medication to help! I just remember her yelling “CALL THE DOCTOR!!!!”. Dr. Kerner arrived at 10:15am, illegally parking outside the hospital. I remember seeing her jacket fly across the ceiling and her saying “I can’t believe she progressed this far in 2 hours”. Luckily she didn’t live far from the hospital. I only had to push for 10 minutes and you were here at 10:29am! IT’S A GIRL!!! Mommy and Daddy were convinced you were a boy the entire time… I think we were the only ones, but we were are elated to have a little girl. Daddy has already started calling you Princess!
Birth Stats: (can you find them in this photo?)
Date: March 9, 2013
Weight: 8lb. 4 oz.
Length: 20″
Time: 10:29am
Doctor: Dr. Cynthia Kerner
Many tears of happiness were shared with Daddy and Granny, and then we welcomed our entire family into the room to meet you for the first time. Grandmas, grandpas, aunties and uncles were all there to hold you, kiss you, and welcome you to our lives. We spent two days in the hospital, learning everything we needed to learn to keep you warm and healthy. On March 11, both Dr. Kerner and the pediatrician gave us the approval to head home for the first time. We were nervous putting you into that big carseat and taking you for your first 30 minute car ride, you that didn’t phase you one bit! You slept the entire time!
I can’t believe how much I love motherhood. I mean every mom loves their baby, but I love mothering. And that is because you make it easy for me. You’re a great sleeper and eater and very communicative when you have to be. I think that your sweetness is a gift to me. Ever since I knew you were growing inside me, I have been sending you my thoughts and hopes and worries and joy. I tried to tune into what you were telling me in return. When you arrived one month ago, I felt that it was best to follow your lead and let you tell me what you needed and that intuition has kept both of us well-rested and happy. Maybe it’s because of that that we were already in tune with each others needs. But I think your calmness and connection with me is a gift from you because you knew I needed some routine. Some calm. When I am trying to finish up some projects, you are loving and quiet and observant and appreciative. Thank you for giving me that and reminding me every day of what is really important to me.
The first day we were at home, I found myself staring at you for almost 3 hours. I couldn’t get over the beautiful miracle laying in my arms. I almost couldn’t comprehend that you are a part of both Daddy and I and that you were ours forever. I was lost in your beautiful dark blue eyes and cute little lips! I love your jerky arm movements and cute roley poley legs. Your fingers and toes are so tiny, but so long and your little vocal coos are so adorable! You are my pride and joy.
Our last month has been so eventful. We have had so many visitors between hospital visits and home visits. We have had three doctors check-ups, with the fourth later this week. We celebrated your first Easter and your arrival with a beautiful baby shower. We have gone on a few short road trips to Smiths Falls and Kingston. You have had lunch with Great-Great Aunt (Sister) Julia and the nuns at the convent. We have watched Daddy play hockey and Auntie Kara compete in a figure skating competition. You have even had your first photoshoot when you were only 6 days old (courtesy of Ruth Stenson Photography)!
We have already noticed you growing, both physically and mentally. You are more awake as the days go on and you are always looking at your surroundings. Ceilings and lights fascinate you, and you love going on wild rides in Daddy’s arms. You prefer to have Daddy bath you because you always cry when I do it but you never wake up crying at night… You only make quiet cooing noises that means you are ready to eat. You’ve gained 2 pounds and grew 2″ in the last four weeks. You turn to our voices and look at my face while I’m feeding you. In the last few days you have just started following things with your eyes, but that skill still needs some work. You are definitely a grabber and recently started pulling my necklace while I feed you. I love that you love to cuddle, especially when you nuzzle your tiny head under mine. You love to stretch whenever we you are on your back! I think you wanted to make yourself look taller when you were being measured at the doctors office! When you are awake and alert, it’s so fun to just hold you and watch you take everything in, straining with all of your will to hold your head up and turn your body all around. Your neck is already so strong – lots of people comment on that… but the number one topic people bring up is your hair!! Your hair is already growing down below your neck, and your beautiful highlights look red one day, and blonde the next. Your hair is such a unique trait to you, and I aboslutely love it! I have never seen so much hair on a newborn.
I love seeing Granny rocking you by the fire when she stops on her short nightly visits. She is so proud of you and excited to tell anyone she sees that you are here. If I don’t send her a daily picture to work she will phone and ask “is Olive not photogenic today?” (I think you are the most photographed child I have ever known)! Granny has big plans for you Olive. I don’t know how she ever lived without you!
I have been asking Daddy for 2 years to build me a craft room, but it only took him 1 month to build you a closet fit for a princess and he is also contemplating making you a shoe rack… I think he wants to start a shoe addiction already!
Thank you for teaching Daddy and I about this completely new kind of love and concern and affection and pride and happiness. Thank you for showing us how strong we are. And thank you for showing us that it was possible to love each other more than we already did. The day you arrived was the day our little family formed a little circle. We are so proud of you, and don’t know how we ever lived without you.
We love you Olive!
Sue that is so sweet!! Thank you!!
This is beautiful. You are a true gem and Olive is lucky to have you as her Mom. Treasure these moments and preserve the memories. I’m happy to share a birthday with this gorgeous princess!
That’s so nice Shannon!! Thanks so much!!!
Stacy this is beautiful. I was reading it on the bus home from work and had to hold back tears. I have yet to see you and Olive together, but the amount of love that is found between these words is overwhelming and again i offer you congratulations on this beautiful little girl. I cannot wait to watch the adventures she takes you on, and how you grow as an amazing, talented little family. She’ll have a rugby ball in her hand before we know it!
Wow…Stacy, I am at a loss for words! I tried to read this while eating lunch today and I couldn’t stop tearing up. I am so proud to call you my friend. Since I first met you back in what, 2001 or 2002? I have had the pleasure of watching you grow from Super Staky Mur, student superb into this fantastic woman and now SUPER STAKY MUR BLAIR MOM!! You continue to amaze me with your creativity and inspiration.
Having known Scott for longer than I’ve known you, I still cannot believe that Little Scotty is a Poppa now!!! Together you two have made this lil bundle of bliss. Olive is beyond adorable and is such a beautiful treasure!!! Plus, she loves Auntie Roacher!! lol
Love you so much! oxoxox But seriously when do I get to babysit?? And when can we take Olive to New York City? 8? 14? 18? 🙂
Very Beautiful letter to a beautiful daughter. She will treasure them when she is older. You and Scott must be so proud. She’s lovely. Hope to see her soon, and of course you and Scott.
Love Jo-Ann & Matt