Dear Olive,
I love when you smile in your sleep. I love when you touch my face like it it is the first time you have seen me. I love when sing to the music on the radio. I love when you splash in your bathtub. I love when you open your mouth as wide as it will go and plant a big kiss on my lips. I love seeing the world through your eyes.
You are growing so fast, Olive. I just want to push pause so I can take in each moment until I’m ready to press play again. Every day is worth living when I get to wake up and see your smile, and watch you play with your toys. Boy, do you love your toys! You are now about 19 lbs, 27.5″ long and very very squirmy! Every day I feel like you are growing bigger, stronger and smarter. You aren’t a fool! When we put you on a blanket and wiggle a toy to entice you to roll, you just pull the blanket towards you, bringing the toy within your grasp. What a smart cookie you are!
We had two holidays to celebrate this month! We celebrated your first Thanksgiving with two giant dinners – the first at Grandma and Grandpa Blair’s and the second at Granny and Grandpa Murray’s. You sat right at the table like a big girl and gobbled down your zucchini as if you were trying to keep it from K9! You steal the show at every family dinner. The second holiday was, of course, Halloween! Momma was so excited for this day. I hadn’t actually celebrated Halloween in so long. I didn’t have to think long and hard for your costume. I thought it was pretty clear what you should be – An OLIVE of course! I spent a Sunday sewing up a shirt, leggings and your big round olive body. We topped your head with a red hat (the pimento). once we had your costume made we dove into making a dozen candy apples to deliver to all your friends – the Carty girls, the Ross girls, the McLeans. The day before Halloween we decided to do a test run on your costume. We made the trip in to Kingston to surprise Auntie Hilary with your costume and to give her and her housemates some apples! They were all so excited to meet you. You sat on their floor and played with all your toys. Finally, after a busy week of preparing, the night was finally here! We made about half a dozen stops around Westport including Auntie Jamie’s and Grandma’s. We then drove to Granny’s and cousin Mike and Darlene’s. Everyone was so excited about your costume! We kept it a complete surprise from everyone which made their reactions so much better. You were the cutest Olive there ever was!
You are becoming quite the rink rat already. Momma bundles you up nice and warm and we head to the rink 3 times a week. You are usually quite content being passed around between your Grandmas and the other skating moms while I coach, but sometimes you let them know you are less than happy! On Saturday mornings you have started hanging out with Daddy while I skate. Sometimes you just relax at home, and other times you drive around to Daddy’s different work sites. I hope you two keep this Saturday morning ritual going for years to come. I think it is so important that you have time alone with him. Daddy is so proud of you and loves showing you off. I never thought I would see this side of him. I love it, and it is all because of you!
We have been doing A LOT of baking. Cinnamon buns, pies, soup, pies, pies, pies. I put you in your exersaucer, but that is never good enough. You are not happy unless you are sitting right up with me where all the action is happening. You are so content to sit there through the entire process. Maybe we have a future baker on our hands… or maybe just a future sweets eater like Daddy!
This past week was deer hunting season. As you grow older you will learn that this is a mega holiday in our area. When Mommy and Daddy were in high school, there was a huge lack of students during hunting week… and for those who were actually in school were dressed in blazing orange. We went to visit Grandpa and Uncle Kenney a few times this week, and of course you had to dress the part – blazing orange from head to toe! Grandpa was so happy to have you in the camp. He took you around to give you the tour – the bunks, the games room, the sea of antlers on the wall. I think you liked it there, and I think Grandpa liked you there too. Friday night they had their annual Fish Fry. All the families come to have dinner together, so there were TONS and kids running around the camp. I think your mouth was open more than it was closed as you watched them run around and play. Next year you will be right along side them. I can’t wait to see that!
Some of your favourite things this month:
- Zucchini, Sweet Potatoes and Squash (and NOT carrots!!)
- Saying “mmmmmmmm” while you eat!
- Singing to the radio
- Giving huge kisses to Momma
- Bouncing in your jumper
- Rolling both ways
- Grass and leaves
- Holding your hands together
- Waving
- Helping (watching0 Momma bake
- Scratching you belly!
- Eating your toes
- Mommy’s hoody strings
- Still not sleeping through the night… UGH!
You are such a joy, Olive. You have brought so much happiness to our families and our community. Everyone needs to get a peek at you and cannot get over how long you are growing! I never expected I would be so happy being a Momma. You make every day so much fun and full of adventures. Keep those smiles and giggles coming! They make my heart feel full!
Oh my gosh! I clicked on your link on Food 52 with your gorgeous pie and look at the bonus!! That is the cutest series of pics of a darling little girl I have ever seen. Congrats on your creativity in all ways. Life is good!
Thanks so much for your wonderful comment!! It made my day!!!