For about a year now I have been following the talented Jessica Near of Opposite of Far. Jessica, like myself, daydreamed about owning her own handmade business. Sometimes it is hard to put yourself out there for the world to see and judge your work, but more often than not, it is such a rewarding . . .
Unexpected Type 31.10.13
Last week I started a really fun photo project that is such a great way to teach your little ones how to recognize letters and words! I am quite excited about it, and cannot wait for Olive to be more involved when she is older! Today's word is a pretty obvious one... Although I didn't realize how . . .
Easy DIY Halloween Costumes
Halloween is just around the corner. I don't remember the last time I was this excited for this spooky day! I have Olive's costume all planned out in my head... but I still have to sew it. I am always a last minute type of person when it comes to projects (or, once upon a time, university . . .
Unexpected Type 23.10.13
As a new mom, I'm constantly asking myself "am I doing enough?". I want to make sure that Olive is being exposed to new things every day that will keep her little mind wondering. I want to make sure she touches new textures, tastes new food, sees new colours and hears new sounds. Yes, I know she is . . .
Getting Festive
Last week Olive and I were in town grocery shopping. On our way in to the store I saw bins and bins of pumpkins so I plopped two big ones in the front of our cart and carried on with the rest of our shopping. Because Olive's stroller takes up the entire trunk of our car, the pumpkins were allowed to . . .
Etsy Love: (Letterpress Recipe Cards)
It's no secret! I absolutely love Etsy for all things handmade. I often find myself going in to a big box store with full intentions to buy a certain product, but end up walking out empty handed because I would rather own a product that was made with love and care from the the handmade community . . .